Summer--put your feet up and stay awhile

There are a few moments in life where I am grateful to be aging and summer is one of them! 

It all has to do with experience and perspective (and a bigger house!) 

...just walk over the toys...(SAVE the vintage toys like Fisher Price and store in a safe, hidden place where they can be recovered for future nieces, nephews, and grandchildren to enjoy) dinner whenever...(dinner can be cold cereal  every night--no one has been hospitalized yet)
...leave the house a mess until August 18...(when school begins)
...enjoy planning spontaneous activities...(this does not include "sleeping")
...let the kids wear the SAME clothes for an entire week...(teenage boys are excluded from this)
...the swimming pool equals bath time...(no peeing in the "bath water")
...lower expectations for teenagers...(this will keep you out of jail!)
(if only I could follow my own advice)!

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